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Feather Handbag Facts

- Feather Handbag Facts

Did you know there are a variety of feather features used in the manufacture of handbags?

There are different types of feathers, each with it's own unique characteristics. Below is a listing of some of the most popular features:

  • - Marabou which is a soft, fluffy down from the domestic turkey that is wrapped tightly on cording.
  • - Ostrich is one of the most expensive trims and consist of long fibers of the ostrich feathers.
  • - Chandelle boas are made from small, flat turkey feathers and can be used in either heavy or light boas.
  • - Rooster saddle is thin stemmed and very flexible with large amounts of fluff at the base.
  • - Rooster Schlappen comes from the base of the roosters tail and is soft and flexible but denser and wider than the saddle.

Feather Handbag

Handbags with feather trims add fun, excitement, and movement to your handbags but should be treated very carefully to maintain their beauty.

Henrietta's Handbags has Feather Handbags!

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Vintage Inspired Sewing Patterns by Charlie's Aunt